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Alex Cabana
Class of 2019

“Teaching with CREATE has been an incredible opportunity to engage with elementary school students and the local Berkeley community. It’s taught me so much about accountability and responsibility to not only the program, but also to my teaching partner, the students and the school site.

One of my favorite moments in the classroom is when parents come to pick up their children midway through a project, but the students are so engaged and excited about what they’re creating that they don’t want to leave. Sometimes they’ll beg their parents to stay longer so that they can finish their project.

Seeing how the students take ownership and pride in their work inspires the most gratifying feeling I can have as a student-teacher. Little moments like that remind me that arts education is absolutely indispensable despite the fact that it’s often one of the first programs to go under budget cuts.

CREATE, as well as the other programs supported by the PSC, are doing such important work by connecting Berkeley students and the community, and enabling these moments of meaningful engagement.”

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Camron King
Class of 2021

“If CREATE has taught me anything it’s that you aren’t just making curriculum for your students, you’re making it with them. While the fifth graders I had might have been the ones technically being taught, they were also teaching me. They reminded me what it’s like to be ten years old, what kind of lessons were age appropriate but not patronizing, how to keep learning educational and challenging but still accessible, and so much more. It’s exciting to know that in the classroom, CREATE isn’t just interactive because you’re teaching students, it’s interactive because you’re learning and growing with them as well.”

Jane McKay
Class of 2021
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Noori Tawakol
Class of 2019
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"My name is Noori, and I'm a fourth year student majoring in Ethnic Studies. I teach visual arts. I joined CREATE because I am passionate about creativity, and I love working with kids! I love encouraging kids to pursue their craziest ideas and to focus more on having fun than seeking perfection. My favorite memory with CREATE was a lesson done with middle school students on meme-making. After I graduate I hope to go into teaching."

Lilly Tang
Class of 2021

"From the crayon doodles on the wall to the years of piano lessons, from my first painting lesson to my first choreography, Art has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Learning and creating art played an integral role in shaping my identity not only as an artist but also as a thinker. However, as I advanced in my education career, I realized a frustrating lack of emphasis in education of the arts. Thus, CREATE offered the perfect platform for me to integrate my interests in education and arts. In particular, dancing allowed me to find confidence in my body, thus as a dance teacher I wish for the same for my students. Watching the kids as they discover the joy in syncing their body movements to the music really makes everything I do worth it."

Jane McKay
Class of 2021

“Cal CREATE is really an amazing program. It helps out the Berkeley community by helping kids to interact with the arts more and for college students to be able to create a community to engage each other and do what we love! I really enjoyed all the people I’ve met working with CREATE and the fun events that it allows its members a chance to be a part of. But the best part is just how rewarding it is to see the students’ faces light up when they realize it's art day, and clean up their toys as quick as possible to be able to get started. They ask in a swarm of happy faces ‘what are we doing’ ‘oooh what are these’ ‘am I with art club today teacher’ and, though it’s chaotic, it’s definitely a highlight of my week.”

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